This comes after a good first quarter with records of passengers transported during the high summer season.
With the aim of continuing to improve connectivity and in line with the increase in demand, Aerolíneas Argentinas will add frequencies to various destinations in Argentina. In June, the offer of seats will increase by 12% more than in the same period of 2019.
11 destinations which from Monday, will have new frequencies for the coming months:
The route between Iguazú and Buenos Aires ends March with 47 weekly frequencies, 2 are added in April and it will reach 50 starting in May. While the routes with Córdoba, Rosario, Tucumán and Jujuy maintain the same scheme of 16 weekly frequencies distributed among the 4 destinations.
Since April, it goes from 9 to 11 weekly frequencies on the direct route with Buenos Aires and on the Catamarca-La Rioja-Buenos Aires combination.
The route with Buenos Aires adds a good number of frequencies: it goes from 34 to 37 weekly in April. While between May and June it will operate 46 weekly frequencies. The route with Córdoba adds a new frequency and goes to 6 weekly during April. The route with Mendoza also adds a frequency and another one from May, thus leaving 6 weekly.
The route between Buenos Aires and Mendoza, which has 63 weekly flights, increases to 68 in May and will reach 70 in June. Flights are also added on the route with Neuquén, as already mentioned above. It should be remembered that the new direct route with San Pablo has been active since March. This flight operates 2 weekly frequencies.
The route between Paraná and Buenos Aires increases from 5 to 7 weekly frequencies from April and then from May two more are added, starting to operate 9 flights each week.
The route with Buenos Aires, which in March operated 40 weekly frequencies, goes to 42 in April, in May it goes to 48 frequencies and then in June to 49. In addition, it maintains the summer frequencies for the routes with Córdoba, Rosario, Neuquén and Iguazú. Similarly, the route with San Pablo is operating weekly.
*San Juan
The route between Buenos Aires and San Juan goes to 16 flights in April, adding one more frequency than in March, then to 18 in May and then to 20 in June. The route with Córdoba is maintained with 4 weekly flights.
*Santa Fe
The route with Buenos Aires ended March with 8 weekly frequencies, then it goes to 9 during April and from May there will be 12 weekly flights.
The route with Buenos Aires will begin in April with 36 weekly flights, the same number as in March. During May it goes to 40 weekly frequencies and then in June to 42.
*Comodoro Rivadavia
The route between Comodoro Rivadavia and Buenos Aires goes from 23 weekly frequencies to 29 starting in April and will end the second quarter with 35 weekly frequencies.
In addition to the increases mentioned between April and June, for Easter, the company anticipates an expanded offer with between 5% and 10% more seats than in 2019.
Facing the second part of the year, the company is preparing a new series of announcements with significant increases in the frequencies of the entire flight network, especially on winter routes.
Along the same lines, the direct flight scheme from San Pablo to Bariloche, El Calafate, San Martín de los Andes and Ushuaia, which are part of the special winter programming, has already been confirmed!